What's Your Primer - Alicia Jones
At work these last two weeks we have been focusing on the book of Daniel. Daniel, knowing it was against the rules of the day, went into his chamber with the window open facing Jerusalem and prayed 3 times a day. Why? Daniel was facing his dream, his posture was showing he had full confidence that God would make a way. What does it look like when we pray like Daniel prayed, humbled yet fully expecting God to provide?
When I was in college, for three years straight, I worked at a summer camp. The experiences I had there were great. Before the kids got to camp we had to get the camp ready, since it’s been closed for the year. As assignments were given, I and another staffer had the privilege of working inside.(Texas summers are no joke!) Neither one of us had painted an entire room before, we were about to just grab some brushes and go to work. The camp director came in just as we grabbed the brushes to begin. He told us that we had to use a primer. Priming is the important part. When you’re painting if you don’t prime or use the right primer, you will be painting forever. It seemed like a primer would take more time and more work, but it helped us as we painted. It increased the quality of our work, it made our work better.
Daniel showed us with his prayer posture that the primer is always important. The primer for our life is prayer. It sets the tone for our day. At the beginning, during, and even before our heads hit the pillow, prayer is our primer. Prayer puts us in a spiritual frame of mind. It helps us see and seize our God-given potential and put it into action to become the person and people that God has purposed us for.
What’s your primer?