40 Day Lenten Diet Day 1-5

DAY 1                                                                                     

WHO YOU ARE                                                                                                                                 

You Are More Than You Think You Are                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? (1Corinthians 3:16)

Have you ever taken time to really think about yourself?  With the pressure of demands of everyday living it may be difficult, but perhaps at some time or other, there has been a chance to think and no doubt the questions have entered your mind as to just who and what you are.  Puzzling questions to say the least, but ones demanding a satisfactory answer if you are to avoid the feeling of a gnawing problem.  Nothing is to be gained by pushing the question back into the unconscious mind where they will still be demanding answer whether you acknowledge it or not.

THE DIET:  Today, I identify myself with that which is greater than I, which is both the source of what I am and is what I am.  The One infinite Mind, Intelligence, Spirit-God the created all thigs and is all things, is also in me as me.   I know that my body is an expression of Its infinite creativity; that my mind, my subconscious ability to think, that which I know as my real self  is an individualization of the infinite Mind of God as my mind.  I affirm the reality of that Power greater than I am, and I do so with complete faith, belief, and conviction in it, and identify myself with It   .

Capsule:  There is only One Mind, Spirit, or Intelligence which increasingly flows into fuller harmonious expression as all that I am.  As I now affirm this, and accept it so it is done.

Today I will apply this idea to these aspects of my thoughts and actions:

My particular problem, condition, or situation which it can be used to correct is: (Kinnear, Willis 30 Day Mental Diet, Los Angeles, Science of Mind Publications 1963, pp. 13, 15, 16)


DAY 2                                                                                                              

WHERE YOU ARE                                                                                                                                   

You Are in the Midst of the Universe  

And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all. (1 Corinthians 12:6)

Do you know exactly where you are; or rather do you think you know.  You know you live in a certain house, on a certain street, in a certain state of a particular country.  But, on the other hand, you are one of several billions of people occupying the land portion of the earth. The land occupies only a small part of the earth’s surface, about one-third.  The earth is a relatively small planet, one several major ones revolving around a rather small star -our sun.  Our sun-star, one of billions, is located near the edge of a spiral stellar galaxy- we see a portion of it at night as the Milky Way.  Astronomers say that of the limitless number of stars in the universe, many have planets about them they could have some sort of life on them.  

THE DIET:  I am not alone. I belong to Life and all of Life.  All that Life is, is right where I am and is what I am.  There is no separation.  I am an individualization of that great Whole, the nature and purposefulness of which are fully present at every point within It.   Not part of God, not part of Life, not part of the universal Creativity, but all of It is available right where I am and as what I am.   The Infinite potentiality and possibility of every good thing, the conscious activity of the One Mind are all present and available here and now.  I know and declare that every aspect of my life and experience today and every day continue to become a more perfect expression and harmonious manifestation of the nature of the One Mind-God, which can only be good

Capsule: All of Life, God is active right where I am, right now.  I discard all previous ideas of separation.  As I consciously unite myself with God, the limitless possibilities of every good thing become available in my life.

Today, I will apply this idea to these aspects of my thoughts and actions:

My particular problems, condition, or situation which it can be used to correct is: (Kinnear, Willis 30 Day Mental Diet, Los Angeles, Science of Mind Publications 1963, pp 17, 19, 20)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              


WHY YOU ARE IMPORTANT                                                                                                                                                    

You Are Necessary to Life                                                                             

For the Father loveth the Son and sheweth him all things that himself doeth; and he will shew him greater works than these, the ye may marvel (John 5:20)

When you examine yourself you discover that you are probably between five and six feet tall.  You’ll find that you are neither very big nor very small as things appear in your world.  If you were able to envision the size of a star and also that of an atom, you would be able to determine that in relation to size you are just about in the middle of things.  All of which leaves you in the position of not being very impressive one way or the other as far as the size in concerned.  So, in what respect are you able to discover that you may have any importance?

THE DIET:   Without any sense of conceit or false idea of importance, I know that I am a unique creation of God.  Never before and never again will there ever be another me.  God goes forth anew into creation as what I am.  I accept my unique individuality and recognize my responsibility to more fully express the Life that is within me. With a certainty that it is done, I declare that there are now removed all ideas and emotional responses which may have prevented the fullness of Life from expressing in and through me.  I fulfill my obligations to Life in every respect.  I let It be all the It is at Its level of expression as me.  I now declare that I become a fuller channel for Its continual creative action for good in every aspect of my life and experience.  I am important to God and important to myself, for I know that God continues to create and express in and through everything I do.

Capsule:  I am important; a unique individualization of God.  Through this awareness, Life now finds a freer, fuller channel for the expressions of Its perfect nature as me.

Today, I will apply this idea to these aspects of my thoughts and actions:

My particular problems, condition, or situation which it can be used to correct is: (Kinnear, Willis 30 Day Mental Diet, Los Angeles, Science of Mind Publications 1963, pp.21, 23, 24)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


Learn to Think Constructively                                                                                                                                                                

It is Necessary that You Think in a Constructive Manner

For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you Matthew 10:20

Now that you have some idea as to who you are, where you are, and the importance of yourself, the question arises as to the nature of the creative activity of your mind. You have ascertained that you are essentially mind, consciousness—an intelligent thinker.  This is also the nature of the creative Power of the universe.  Pure thought in the Mind of God, infinite Intelligence, is the one and only source of all things. 

THE DIET:  “For he (God) spake, and it was done.”  The creative Power of the conscious thought of infinite Mind, God, is the invisible source of all that is.  The same creative Power resides in my thought and I may consciously direct It to the degree I am aware of it; it could not be otherwise.  I speak my word and it is done.  The words I speak, the thoughts I think, I know to be creative of my life and experience.  In this knowledge rests my new-found key to a fuller enjoyment of all of Life’s abundant riches. My thought is always creative and I declare that my patterns of thinking will be constructive.  I discard all tendencies to think in ways that may result in unproductive and undesirable experiences.  I only entertain ideas of good, fine health, abundant supply of all things and harmonious activities and relationships. 

Capsule:  As I now renew the content of my mind with only good and constructive ideas, I know that my entire life is remade to conform with the nature of these ideas.

Today, I will apply this idea to these aspects of my thoughts and actions:

My particular problems, condition, or situation which it can be used to correct is:  (Kinnear, Willis 30 Day Mental Diet, Los Angeles, Science of Mind Publications 1963, pp 25, 27, 28


Life Is For You                                                                                                                    

Live Life, Don’t Fight It

And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good Genesis 1:31)

There is one thing you can be certain of, and this is that law in some form or other guides and governs every aspect of your experience just as it does everything else in the universe.  Fundamentally, the universe operates as a unity, not a chaos, and the laws that establish and maintain this unity are not in conflict with one another.

THE DIET; Life is for me now and always.  It created me for Itself. The creative activity of the universe is for me as I now come to realize that there is nothing against me except my own ignorance or misunderstanding of the nature of Reality.  I stop trying to change God, to revise the Law of the universe.  I stop battling life, conditions and situations.  I seek to cooperate with the great Law of Life and to align myself with It.  I will not limit myself; I am no longer my own worst enemy.  I now let my thoughts rest clearly and definitely on the fact that God is good, that my life if filled only with good.

Capsule:  I now release all ideas and concepts that are detrimental to my good and replace them with beneficial ones, through which the action of the Law of Mind creates anew for me a life that is more worth living.

Today, I will apply this idea to these aspects of my thoughts and actions:

My particular problems, condition, or situation which can be used to correct is: (Kinnear, Willis 30 Day Mental Diet, Los Angeles, Science of Mind Publications 1963 pp.29, 31, 32)

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